The Carnedd Llewelyn expedition, April 1998

Spring had not arrived yet but 8 and 1/2 of us (Fay, Arthur, Frank, Joost, Ellen, Mark, Sven, Gerbrandt set off for the 2nd highest mountain in Wales: Carnedd Llewelyn. Poor little Meryl braved the cold in a rucksack.

The trip started with a long steep walk over the tarmac road to the lower lake Ffynnon Llugwy for those who can pronounce Welsh. Ffynnon means fountain I believe.

The path ran steeply up to the ridge where the next stop was at Pen-yr Helgi Du (see picture) where most of us had a lunch brake. The trip then went to the top of Carnedd Llewelyn which still had some snow on the top.

Some traditional exchange of the white stuff was in order. The view through a thin layer of cloud was marvellous and below the sea was visible on 3 sides. Due to the cold wind we cut the trip back a bit short.

Meryl complained about the cold, which wasn't all that unreasonable and taught a valuable lesson:

  • It doesn't matter in how many layers you are wrapped: if you don't move, you get cold.

We changed her nappy behind a rock and she was then put under my jumper for a while to encourage her smurf blue colour to be exchanged into healthier pink.

We descended though the fields until we hit the watershed.From there is was easy to follow the absolutely horizontal dyke and down to the mini van again.

Published on  April 15th, 2016